We value your feedback and would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to share your thoughts and experiences with us. Your input will help us improve our classes and better serve you.

Let us know you.

1. What’s your Full name*

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2. What’s your email address?*

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Afro Dance Fitness Class
Thank you for participating in our Afro Dance Fitness class!

1. How would you rate your overall experience with the Afro Dance Fitness class?*

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2. Do you have any suggestions for new moves, routines, or music that you would like to be included in future classes?

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3. What do you enjoy most about the Afro Dance Fitness class?

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4. How has the Afro Dance Fitness class impacted your fitness and well-being?

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5. Is there anything you would like to see improved or changed in the class?

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6. How likely are you to recommend the Afro Dance Fitness class to a friend or family member?

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Aspects of Class
How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the class?

1. Instructor’s Teaching Style

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2. Music Selection

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3. Class Atmosphere

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4. Class Schedule

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5. Duration of the Class

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6. Level of Physical Challenge

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Additional Feedback
Thank you for your time and feedback! We look forward to continuing to dance with you.

1. Additional comments or feedback:

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